Thursday, November 6, 2008
Imagining America Conference

Sunday, September 14, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Chicken Coop is Area of Last Refuge During Gustav
Not only did it not receive any damage from Gustav, it also served as "Coop of Last Refuge" for the chickens and also Rocky, the German Shepherd mascot of God's Vineyard!
Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts News Fall 08: "2 Projects, 1 City"

Washington University in St. Louis Fall 2008 Magazine: "New Orleans Farm Transformed by Architecture Students"
Metropolis Magazine Article: "Experimenting with Disaster"

September '08
See pages 94-96 of following link:
Excerpt from Stephen Zack's nice piece:
"[The chickens have] adapted but are displaying no new forms of evolution. 'They still chickens,' he [Noel Jones] says. 'They're still doing their thing. But I think they're a lot more comfortable because they have a lot more space. So I think they are happier birds.'"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
NOLA Coop Computer Model

Monday, May 19, 2008
Press about RECIPE

The Times Picayune
by Nina Wolgelenter
Thursday, May 22, 2008
"Architecture Students Win JP Morgan Chase Community Development Competition"
Record, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis
by Liam Otten
Monday, May 19, 2008
"New Orleans Is the Site of Architecture Student Projects:
Class Creates Chicken Coop, Rehab Plan"
Record, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis
by Liam Otten
Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Central City Project Wins Student Contest: Prize Is $25,000 to Start Renovation"
The Times Picayune, by Rebecca Mowbray, Thursday, May 8, 2008
"College Students’ Plan to Restore Historic New Orleans Building and Revive O.C. Haley Boulevard Earns $25,000 in Chase Competition"
"Central City Incubator Moving Forward"
WWL TV Eyewitness Morning News Interview- May 7, 2008
Wash. U./MIT Team Wins 2008 JP Morgan Chase Community Development Competition!

(photo- Martinez Photography)
The 2008 JPMorgan Chase Community Development Competition was held in New Orleans. This real world learning experience gives a team of students an opportunity to partner with a New Orleans nonprofit organization to develop a real estate project that is feasible, sustainable, and helps to build and strengthen the local community.
Download the full competition submission pdf titled
"The Franz Building: From Recovery to Rebirth" at:
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Chase Competition Presentation + WWL TV Interview

Johnny Chen's sectional perspective of a renovated Franz Building
Johnny Chen's and John Kleinschmidt's rendering of Good Work Network's "Public Presence Flexible Space" looking out a restored Franz Building storefront towards OC Haley Blvd.
Set up of the Coops at God's Vineyard, NOLA
The Breakdown of the Chicken Coop

The Building Process:

The foundation has to be laid once the coop is assembled to guarantee orthogonal orientation of the coop structure.

The dirt is dug out from underneath the coop, the boots are set in, and then the coop is bolted to the angles.

The polycarbonate panels act as bracing as well as enclosing the coop. The panels are perforated with louvers that allow for cross ventilation.

The panels all come apart as individual parts of the coop.

The roof is slightly lifted from the framework allowing for cross ventilation in both directions

The corrugated panels make up both the sliding chicken door and human door
(2-foot tall chicken door pictured).